Co. Fineherb has taken several test about water and magmaq for 6 years. And finally, we invented our product mulokjam doong-doong, clean and ideal water maker-mulokjam dung-dung is the product which uses magma q, magma q is great material to purify water. Mulokjam dung-dung could be used at anywhere to purify water. Thus we created this company and wanna expand these products' market. Visit our site and get more information about our product. Check several results of tests with own your eyes.
회원 가입일 |
2005/01/21 (년/월/일) |
역할 구분 |
판매상 |
사업형태 |
제조업체 |
설립년도 |
2002 |
총 종업원수 |
6 - 10 |
연간매출 |
Less than USD 100,000 |
[ 연락처 정보 ] |
회사명 |
Findherb Co. |
주소 |
서울 동대문구 제기동 965-1 삼정빌딩 4층 (우:130-060) 한국 |
전화번호 |
82 - 02 - 9692243 |
팩스번호 |
82 - 02 - 9692474 |
홈페이지 |
www.fineherb.com |
담당자 |
백석균 / 사장 |